Sunday 21 August 2011

An Old Blog-post of Mine for Archive Purpose

In 2009 I wrote a comment on one of the posts in Bangla Blog SHOCHOLAYOTON. I just found the writing. I am posting it for my own reference. Anyone interested can access the writing along with the original Bengali Writing through this LINK -
It would be quite interesting to see how the German nationalists respond to the post-war pan-Germanism in a changed century. It might be platitudinous to say that Germany was born in 1872 as an artificial state out of the need for the newly emerging capitalists who saw it an opportunity to cash on a weakening Monarchical hold on small German-speaking principalities.
I am sure that the presence of Suman Choudhury in Germany and his first-hand experience of the forthcoming election will provide us with some fresh insight.
I have a few doubts though. I throughly enjoyed a young Bangladeshi's views of German political scene as described in the first section of the writing. However, the first para on the second section, the so called 'success' of the economic model should have raised a few eyebrows - including the auther's. I would like to hear more of the artificiality of such an economy at the expense of large amount of taxpayers' money from the western countries - money's that were siphoned into German economy through various means. In fact, the German industrial "success" looks really grim in the face of a virtual absence of large overseas "markets" [Germany 'can not' have any more territorial gains] and in the possibility of demise of western backing.
Regarding the comments on the German political parties it should be noticed that German political parties are probably the most hierarchically rigid of all the European parties. It is no wonder that Germany is still referred to as a "Party State" where formation of political parties are methodically controlled through legislative means. Imagine a state where legislation still exists where formation of political parties based on ideological basis is still forbidden under the constitution.
Shahidul Mamun

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