Sunday 21 August 2011

Of Plagiarism and Policing Thoughts - A reverse 1984 Situation


I have not received a reply from you regarding plagiarism. I have cross-referenced many other posts by some of your students on your blog, and a quite a few of them are plagiarisms. I shall not tell you again which ones though - as I cannot 'rat out' my fellow classmates. But I can tell you one word that best describes the situation - shocking! The Internet is a useful tool for all of us, where we can earn, yes earn, knowledge about everything. But when these *** [unacceptable word expunged] copy and paste the hard-earned expressions and reports of other writers, it is very disappointing. It is injustice. From one writer to another, I am sure you can understand the gravity of what I am feeling write now, I am utterly cantankerous about this matter. These people are unique,intelligent human beings who can write their own reports showcasing their OWN opinions - then why are they copying other people's writing? I truly believe all of them are capable of writing far better reports than the ones they have copied. I am looking forward to your reply on the matter.




The above post is a very good example of certain issues regarding the questions of Morality, Policing, Duty, 'Other' - etc. I expect short-sharp-intelligent response on this.

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