Saturday 13 August 2011

Following post demands ferocious support OR Assault - will someone do it in a way that will open our eyes? Author Undisclosed

Hello sir,

I have read Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis, and it has given me a profound insight on the repercussions of the American dream. The american dream is a fantasy of many, ready to enjoy its perks,status and high paychecks. But though the downsides are clearly evident , individuals choose not to realize it. Babbitt is one of the best representations, of how the American dream can only be achieved by sacrificing autonomy. One has to pay the huge price of sacrificing autonomy and embracing a conformist life, or else he will me made an outcast in the society. His peers will no more appreciate him, the society will reprimand him and force him to join their league. As only then he would be honored, his intellects would be appreciated. Individuals are confined by the basic norms of the society, the american dream is a autocrat ,who though puts up a fake pretense of democracy will crush every maverick which comes upon it path.

George Folansbee Babbitt, a successful 46 year old, who has let the society shape him into their desired person is made into an outcast, treated as a mere nobody when he espouses his liberal views and chooses to support in what he believes in. In the end, we see he surrenders and returns being the old Babbitt- a solid, confirming standard citizen. He is a prisoner to the American dream and he cannot free itself from its chains. however, when his son Ted Babbitt marries the pretty Eunice and drops out of college to be a factory worker, he consents to the alliance and encourages his son to protect his Autonomy. Babbitt realizes Ted has achieved salvation and is free from the norms which tied Babbitt.

Sir, Babbitt is a detailed satire of the vices of the American Dream but not an eye opener. Even I want a piece of the American Dream and I'm fully aware of its repercussions. We all know implicitly but like Babbitt desire to keep our eyes shut, so we are not exposed to realism. Like Blanche Dubois in the play " the streetcar named desire" we prefer the dim light as it prevents exposure, conceals reality. Maybe we are not mature enough to realize how loss of Autonomy feels or maybe we are naive enough to think we are capable to do what millions have failed to do, bring a change. Some of us are completely fine with whatever it will require to get those big paychecks, from forgetting our morals and views, to instilling in our minds things we don't believe in. Honestly I might sound rude but some us are so shallow that we don't have our independent views on major agendas and are indifferent to the world we live in, so for them there is nothing to loose, and believe me there are many who fall in this particular stereotype. Which group do I fall in?? I do not know. Would I give up my autonomy to realize my dream? I'm skeptic, I can relate myself to Babbitt, you would achieve your goals if you stick to the status quo. Will I be happy in the end?? This is one question I want you to answer me. A 17 year old cannot comprehend what millions have failed to. In the end MAYBE is always the answer.

Thank You.

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