Saturday 30 October 2010

What Now - Final MOCK on Monday

As you have already know - we are not going to have the scheduled meet at 3.30 today; instead, we shall meet tomorrow at 3.30 - but those who have schools, you can come at 4.00 pm.

The SAT scores have started to flow into my mail box - and as I have cleared it several times before, I see no occasion to congratulate some very strong scores or condemn some very humble scores. What finally matters is how you live your next 35 days till the December SAT-I exam takes place. In the MEANTIME you will finalize everything that shall present a 'fine-tuned' image of yourself before the Admission and Aid Awarding committee.

Today is Saturday. Please make sure that you do finish everything necessary to make a comeback in SAT-II test. We shall have a Final MOCK on Monday. We resume our SAT-I class from 15th November onwards.

Finally, a large number of people are accessing our blog, apparent from the number of hits per week counter, and I take the opportunity to congratulate everyone as everyone prepares for the FINEST times ahead.

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