Saturday, 13 August 2011


Some notes from someone.

Following the links on epistemology from the blog I have gathered the following so far.

Behaviourism: One uses tools to control or alter behavious of another. 

Ways of knowing:

 C.I.P: Processes that break down and help us retain information.

M.R.L: Learning by realting to already learned concepts.

Shema theory: One's mind has information organized in a certain way. The level of organization should be improved to learn more or better.

Bruner's Interactional Theory: This theory emphasizes on thinking rather than the content of the information itself. It uses other sensory senses to help in the process of learning. 

Vygotsky's Interactional Theory: Social interaction forms the basis of this. Enquiry and problem solving is encouraged. 

Constructivism: Certain processes are followed in a specific order to solve probelms together in a group.

Andragogy Theory: Focuses on individual learning and proper planning of the learning process itself. The process is stressed upon, not the content of learning. 

Self-Directed Learning: No external forces are included in the learning process- self motivation is the main key and individual himself persues knowledge on his own. 

Transformational learning: This requires past experiences; information can be learnt from them by deep thoughts and debating over relevant issues from different perspectives. 

According to Karl Popper, theories containing empirical information should be critisized and trested. He states that knowledge has three different worlds (I was thinking of knowledge being 3-Dimensional when I read this). They are the physical world, the world of personal thoughts and the world of products of the thoughts. Each world is connected to the others in different ways and he further goes on to describe how. 


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