Thursday, 4 November 2010

An Anecdote

ঋত্বীক ঘটক একবার সলিল চৌধুরীকে বলছেন, “তুই তো বম্বে গিয়া নষ্ট হইয়া গেছছ” – আর সলিল লিখে ফেললেন – “আমি ঝড়ের কাছে রেখে গেলাম আমার ঠিকানা...”
In his early days Salil Choudhury socialist bent of mind. He was one of the key persons to float the Indian Peoples Theater Association, a landmark in the history of cultural organizations in Colonial India. Salil was later disillusioned by Socialism and went to Bombay to try his and in music. The rest is history - in his lifetime he had been hailed as one of the greatest composers of 20th century. The anecdote is posted in order to show that no matter what political clout a creative artist may or may NOT assume, it is irrelevant for achieving the artistic achievement. Conversely, Rwittik Ghatak, a passionate believer in Socialism, is never judged through his political affiliation - again proving the stance that creative art is beyond the grasp of political indoctrination. But what about a work of Art that is completely devoid of political overtones? Is it Art (with 'A' in capital)? 

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