Sunday, 24 October 2010

The Show Must Go On - No SAT-II class tomorrow

There will be no SAT-II class tomorrow as I will be engaged for a few domestic responsibilities. ON the 26 th and the 27th there will be mock on SAT-II subject tests. You will have to bring your own tests - preferably from either Barron's or Sparknotes - alternatively, there are tests available as PDF files on the website of Xtremepapers. The last alternatives are the 2 Real Test Papers of which I have photocopies.

You are requested to engage your entire day TOMORROW in making a final preparation for the MOCK dates mentioned above.

Additionally, someone from today's morning class wrote "Please be more Organized!" on the Display Board. I wondered was it in jest or in seriousness? If in seriousness then here is my retort - "You must learn how to be organized even in the event of your tutor's demise. The show must go on."

A few University/Colleges have recently expanded their International Student Financial Aid net. But, as you have rightly guessed, these are, more than ever before, attached with tougher strings. But, the AnglophiliteS had fished in the net before and this year also we intend to do it with the usual panache!

So, as you will prepare for the dive, I too make my old suits ready!

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