Thank you all who have let me know of your scores. I am sure that you are all aware that I would personally attach too little emphasis on the SAT-I score for the October exam. Now those who think that your scores are not strong enough - you will have a MUCH better chance to do well in the December exam. So, while the weak shall pine away with what they have achieved, the true survivors shall make plans for the final SAT-I appearance in December. Since you will hardly have a second chance for a 2nd appearance for SAT-II, I would strongly advice to prepare full-wind for the November day.
But do not forget that in the remaining days of November you will be FURY herself over the preparation of your Application Pack. You must make balance between the demands of SAT-II, Application Material Collection, SAT-I preparation and run errands to various places to collect all sorts of papers including the ones from your Guidance Counselor, Teachers etc. Don't forget that many of you will have schools to attend and write your periodic tests.
There had never been a better time to plan your activities beforehand. So, go ahead!
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