Friday, 1 October 2010

Advice on NEW Reading Items


The number of items you have done so far is good enough. You must give examples from these reading items - when you are writing the essay.

Please review the reading items you have done so far and do NOT read too many new items. But, should try one or two new items every day.


Thu, 9/30/10, Tawsif Rahman wrote:

From: Tawsif Rahman

Dear Sir,

I find that my main weakness is the essay part where if want to write a good essay with examples from literature and history I am unable to cover the 2 pages in the allocated time, or in the case that I do finish I always find myself unsatisfied with the quality of the essay. Should I try to give examples from personal experience to save time?

Readings from Cummings (many are previous Items I had to brush up on): Macbeth, Enemy of the people, Death of a salesman, As you like it, The Hunger Artist. Should I try to read new items or revise previous ones? I have already done 50+ from Cummings.


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